Well the Little Man turned three yesterday!! It is a strange feeling when your youngest hits these "milestone" ages, at least for me it is! You take for granted every birthday that there is another "three" birthday coming for one of the other children....but not this time!! It is a little sad on one hand but a little liberating on the other....does that sound strange?? It is hard to explain, but I will try....I am sad to see that my youngest is growing up so quickly, but then when I look up I see that ALL my little ones are growing up too quickly, they are all so big. This makes me long to remember every single detail from the moment they were born to this very second. Then I wipe my tears and look at how amazing they are becoming....their unique personalities, likes, dislikes & that little sparkle that makes them who they are. Then I begin to see the future for them and all the wonderful things that await them, and just how wonderful that will be. But, when your youngest gets bigger, I find it is harder to acknowledge that this is the end of an era; a change in the tide for so many reasons....more for me than anything else! I have spent fourteen years being a continuous Mom, and that position will NEVER end, my duties are changing. It used to be somewhat revolving; every two or four years we would start all over again with a new little baby! But now we are on a continuous path, we aren't circling back and there are days when that catches me off guard. I have had a routine, a well worn path I have followed for so many years. Like so many things in life, it is the new adventures that bring the most joy! Not only are my children growing and changing, I am joining them along this journey....hand in hand until they are big enough to go it alone. Shh...don't tell them but I will never let go of their hand!!
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