Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Room full of information....

Well....I went to a local Health fest this weekend and I just LOVE going to these kind of events! It is like being surrounded by people who know exactly what you are thinking and you don't even have to speak a single word! There is always something new around every corner; along with friends or people you know. It is like a reunion of sorts, form a class of like-minded people. Every person at each table has something interesting to offer or show you. It is a huge room full of information that you are just waiting to find! My girls and I walked around for over three hours and ended the day with a great Drum Circle led by the sweetest women, Mary. It was just icing on a great-day-cake!!! I cannot wait until September for the next BIG event!We started the day with a wonderful brunch of Vegan Pancakes with Blueberries, Sprouted Whole Grain French Toast, Farm Fresh Eggs with Home-fries and Real Homemade Hot Chocolate at a Funky Eclectic Cafe' and finished the day with a bunch of laughs and memories of the day we spent together doing and enjoying things we love!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

A change in the Weather.....

Well.... today the weather was beautiful and tomorrow is suppose to be even better! I have a love hate relationship with Spring!! I love the warmer weather but oh my how I despise the mud! Oh well we deal with it, right? I am still enjoying my Vegan journey and I am impressed at how my body has accepted these changes in my diet. I feel more connected - both good and bad - to every situation I am in. I feel calmer under pressure and more confidant in speaking my mind. I was surprised this weekend when we went out just how few options there are for people who are avoiding meat let alone dairy......I did get a yummy Veggie Burger sans the cheese. I loved the look on the women's face when my 6 year old proudly stated "She will have NO cheese because she is a Vegan"!!!! I wondered if she would have been more accepting or more apathetic if I had said I had an allergy to dairy? I thought about how difficult it must be for someone who CAN'T have dairy...the simplest thing like a cup of coffee....imagine if it weren't a choice, very interesting to me. Hey.....what if I was a Vegetarian who was allergic to dairy?? So this is my case and point about Speaking my Mind!!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Does the food taste different.......

I find myself asking the same question quite often lately...."Doesn't this taste tastes amazing"!! I am working on three weeks of Vegan eating and 3 days into my Vegan Journey with Heather, and the food just tastes so much better! I was quite afraid of ow my kids were going to react to of the dishes I was going to put on the table, but they are all adjusting quite well. My brother-in-law is loving it and my husband will have nothing to do with any of it! I can't say that there is anything that I am "missing" as of yet...I am just enjoying the ride! I feel fresh and vibrant each day...clear...grounded. I don't use much salt anymore, and I haven't had sugar in three weeks and boy do I feel good. I am so excited to have this opportunity to re-set my body and feel this good! Last night's Chili was fabulous and no one missed the meat for a second! Although my middle daughter did say "Isn't there meat in chili?" and I said "No, not this one" her reply "Oh....Vegan Chili"!! They are so funny! Tonight is Lemon Garlic & White Bean youngest has already had a bowl without the pasta and says it is really good soup?? I will let you all know how the rest of the family likes it....this weekend I am making a Vegan Chocolate Cake, Yumm!!!